This afternoon, I stumbled across a spacy tweet on my Twitter timeline and realised that I haven’t been using or training spaCy model for a long time. So I think it might be a good idea to train a simple spaCy text classification model to refresh my memory. This is definitely not a new or hot thing in the AI world since the field is moving so fast and everyone is talking about large language models (LLMs), ChatGPT, and other big models.
This post aims to give a quick introduction to spaCy text classification models for others and also to serve as a learning note for future use.
In this article, the term “multiclass” refers to a given example belonging to only one positive class out of K number of classes, whereas “multilabel” means a given example can belong to zero or more labels at the same time. For instance, we use multiclass to classify animal types like [dog, cat, fish] (obviously you can’t be dog and cat at the same time), while a multilabel task can be used for movie categorisation, tagging a movie as [romance, funny] simultaneously.
We can break down this classification task into 5 parts:
- Load dataset
- Dataset Conversion
- Generate Config
- Train
- Evalute
1. Load dataset
In this example, we are training a Chinese Legal text classification model. The CAIL dataset is a Chinese legal NLP dataset for judgment prediction and contains over 1m criminal cases. The dataset provides labels for relevant article of criminal code prediction, charge (type of crime) prediction, imprisonment term (period) prediction, and monetary penalty prediction. The goal is to predict how severe was the committed crime with respect to the imprisonment term. We approximate crime severity by the length of imprisonment term, split in 6 classes (0, <=12, <=36, <=60, <=120, >120 months).
from collections import Counter
from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("coastalcph/fairlex", "cail")
# quick check on the value count too
c = Counter(dataset["train"]["label"])
>>> Counter({
0: 13122,
1: 41200,
3: 4160,
2: 17579,
4: 2268,
5: 1671
# the label mapping is:
0: "0",
1: "<=12",
2: "<=36",
3: "<=60",
4: "<=120",
5: ">120",
2. Dataset Conversion
from spacy.tokens import DocBin
from tqdm import tqdm
def convert(data, output):
db = DocBin()
docs = []
cats = []
for document in tqdm(data):
print(f"Loaded {len(docs)} text and {len(cats)} labels")
print(f"Process docs thru spacy nlp pipeline")
docs = nlp.pipe(docs, disable=["ner", "parser"])
print(f"Add cats into each sample doc")
for doc, target_label_idx in tqdm(zip(docs, cats), total=len(cats)):
for idx, label in enumerate(labels):
doc.cats[label] = 1 if idx == target_label_idx else 0
print(f"Save spacy data as {output}")
convert(dataset["train"], "./train.spacy")
convert(dataset["validation"], "./dev.spacy")
convert(dataset["test"], "./test.spacy")
Note that, for each sample we have to specify 1/0 for all possible labels in
attribute. For instance, you are doing sentiment analysis and
you have 3 possible labels: [positive, neutral, negative]. A positive sentiment
article should be prepared like this:
labels = ["positive", "neutral", "negative"]
target_label = "positive"
doc = nlp("I love this movie")
for label in labels:[label] = 1 if label != target_label else 0
>>> {"positive": 1, "neutral":0, "negative": 0}
3. Generate Config
We use spacy init command to generate a default config file to train a multiclass ensemble text classifer focusing on accuracy.
python -m spacy init config chinese_textcat.cfg \
--lang zh \
--pipeline textcat \ # specify textcat_multilabel for multilabel
--optimize accuracy \ # accuracy: use ensemble (cnn+bow); effiency: use bow
4. Train
python -m spacy train chinese_textcat.cfg \
--paths.train ./train.spacy \ ./dev.spacy \
--output chinse_legal_textcat # saved model name
5. Evaluate
python -m spacy evaluate \
./chinse_legal_textcat/model-best/ \ # path to saved model
./test.spacy \ #path to test set
--gpu-id 0
We can also load the saved model and predict on unseen sample.
# random sample from train split
# label: 1 (<=12)
text = (
"内有人民币351.4元、身份证、医保卡、医疗卡、工商银行储蓄卡1张、建设银行储蓄卡1张、农业银行卡1张等,其中钱包经鉴定价值人民币30元。 "
"被告人陈向明后被抓获到案,赃物已起获并发还。 上述事实,被告人陈向明在审理过程中无异议,并有到案经过,被害人徐某的陈述,"
nlp = spacy.load("./chinse_legal_textcat/model-best")
doc = nlp(text)
print(doc.cats, "-", text)
>>> {
'0': 0.017592856660485268,
'<=12': 0.9379693865776062,
'<=36': 0.018389828503131866,
'<=60': 0.005402231123298407,
'<=120': 0.016701236367225647,
'>120': 0.0039446111768484116
- 公诉机关指控,2017年3月25日11时许,被告人陈向明在本市东城区地铁5号线磁器口站至崇文门站车厢内,
That’s it. Check out the following notebooks for more information: